Thursday, 27 June 2019


I'll add some brief pointers on NI media here...

Both the leading (evening) paper The Belfast Telegraph it (see Wiki) and its (morning) rival the Belfast News Letter (Wiki) are pro-unionist. The only real nationalist rival is a Southern paper, the Irish Times ...which actually is historically (Wiki) a unionist paper too! There is An Phoblacht, Sinn Fein's paper (now a magazine: Wiki). There's a v brief overall Wiki on NI media.

The shock of the GB press/public at the actual nature of the DUP - most seemed ignorant of their existence! - following the 2017 post-election Tory/DUP confidence and supply deal (the one where PM May called an early election ... and to general shock lost seats to Corbyn's Labour and her overall majority!) is rather revealing. It is an indictment of how the UK 'national' press largely ignore NI and/or cover it in very simplistic, reductionist terms.

Here's an interesting eg of NI hitting the headlines ... Ian Paisley Jr in trouble back in June 2019 (BBC newspaper review). The story led the NI editions - not the nationals.


Wednesday, 12 June 2019


I've used links for convenience; most of these are available from other retailers too.

Most textbooks are aimed at the A-LEVEL, not the GCSE, so you might find them quite challenging, and they will have more information than you need!


Northern Ireland Government and Politics for CCEA AS Level

Note that its actually written for an A-LEVEL, NOT GCSE, so it will go into more detail on some themes than you will need to.
£9.99, published January 2018. Here's the description:
This well-researched text was written specifically to address Unit AS1 of the revised CCEA Government and Politics specification. It covers the Government and Politics of Northern Ireland and has been through a meticulous quality assurance process. It considers the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement, the amendments made in subsequent agreements (St Andrews, Hillsborough and Stormont House) and examines the functions and responsibilities of the Northern Ireland Assembly, the executive and various political parties. Included in the book are tasks, practice essay titles, key terms and concepts, as well as a detailed glossary, index and examination preparation guide. Areas explored include: 
* The principles, content and implementation of the Good Friday Agreement and the changes made to it by subsequent agreements. 
* An analysis of the Assembly, including its three main functions (representation, legislation and scrutiny), and its independence from the Executive. * 
A look at the Executive Office and the Executive as a whole - how it is appointed, how it can determine legislation and policy, the divisions within it, and its ability to function as a power-sharing government. 
* An evaluation of the Northern Ireland political parties, including their role in government, their respective backgrounds, strategies and policies, and how they have changed since 1998.