Sunday, 11 July 2021

CORRUPTION CRONEYISM Is there an issue in UK?

Corruption is generally linked to weak democracies dominated by single party rule, but is hardly unknown in Europe or the USA. Brazil's populist president faces calls to step down, for example, not least for perceived corruption.

Governments of both major parties have faced accusations of corruption, and the unchecked ability of former ministers to make millions 'advising'/lobbying for corporations after they've left government is a stain on both major UK parties. The huge fees for giving talks can be seen as a quid pro quo too.

The Conservatives, as the traditional party of business as opposed to the unions, are especially prone to such accusations (New Labour faced this on health, housing, energy and arms deals especially). A new report highlights the likelihood of 'aggregated corruption' over housing, with huge amounts paid to the Tories by building companies and correspondingly high number of meetings with ministers. MPs expressed anger that 10% of Treasury officials had all phone message data wiped, without any backup, including those facing FoI demands to release texts linked to the Cameron lobbying scandal.

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